日常の喧騒から逃れて、当ホテルのスパでシグネチャー トリートメントを受け、リラックスしたひとときをお過ごしください。地元の植物の若返り効果と、ロミロミ マッサージや温めた溶岩石などのハワイの伝統的なヒーリング技術を体験してください。すべてお客様の個別のニーズに合わせてカスタマイズされ、真にパーソナライズされた体験を提供します。
日常の喧騒から逃れて、当ホテルのスパでシグネチャー トリートメントを受け、リラックスしたひとときをお過ごしください。地元の植物の若返り効果と、ロミロミ マッサージや温めた溶岩石などのハワイの伝統的なヒーリング技術を体験してください。すべてお客様の個別のニーズに合わせてカスタマイズされ、真にパーソナライズされた体験を提供します。
スパ トリートメント、スパ パッケージのご予約、またはスパ リトリートの計画については、808-270-5290 までお電話いただくか、オンラインでご予約ください。快適にチェックインしていただくために、ご予約開始時間の 15 分前にお越しください。お客様の便宜を図るため、トリートメントには 20% のサービス料が自動的に適用されます。また、優れたサービスに対する追加のチップは歓迎いたします。スパのお客様の最低年齢は 16 歳です。
Purchase our 60 or 90 minute Guava Hibiscus Body Polish Treatment, or our 60 or 90 minute Kiwi Matcha Body Polish Treatment, and receive 20% off retail purchases.
For more info or to book your treatment, please Book online or call: 808-270-5289
施術時間はお客様のために特別に予約されていることをご了承ください。24 時間前を過ぎての無断キャンセルやキャンセルは、全額請求させていただきます。6 時間前を過ぎてのご予約の変更には、50% の料金を申し受けます。すべてのお客様への配慮として、遅れて到着されたお客様には、残りの予約時間のみをお受けいたします。
To learn more about our packages and to purchase a membership, please email: hanamauiresortspa@hyatt.com.
A deeper pressure massage. Expertly tailored to your body's needs using a combination of lomi lomi, deep tissue and Swedish techniques
The traditional massage of Hawai'i uses medium to firm pressure combined with flowing strokes to provide grounding, soothe sore muscles and restore harmony
Our most relaxing massage.Heated lava stones are paired with Hawaiian lomi lomi massage to bring grounding and relaxation to the body
Relax with a focused massage of the feet, hands, neck and shoulders and an exfoliation of the feet.
Choose a focused 30 minute massage in this Hana refresher. Suggested are hand and foot, neck and shoulder.
30分 - 85ドル
フレンドリー アイルでは、最も有名な輸出品の 1 つであるアラエア海塩をお楽しみいただけます。この全身角質除去には 80 種類以上のミネラルが豊富に含まれており、お肌にあらゆるメリットをもたらし、お肌が輝き、ツヤツヤになります。
究極のリラクゼーションのためにハワイの海塩とエッセンシャル オイルのカスタム ブレンドをお楽しみください。マッサージ サービスの前にお勧めします。
1 時間以上のスパ トリートメントに 30 分のマッサージを追加すると、リラクゼーション効果とストレス軽減効果がさらに高まります。
• 栄養豊富な頭皮トリートメント
• ハーバルフットスクラブ
• ハンドクラフターアロマセラピーオイル
• 首と肩の痛みの緩和
当社の拡張機能の 1 つを使用して、フェイシャルをアップグレードします。
• 追加抽出
• ヒアルロン酸トナー
• 美しいアイトリートメント
• ひげディープコンディショニング
• 唇の角質除去
o ハワイ産野生ハイビスカス(カフェイン少なめ)
o ハワイ産マンゴー(カフェイン中程度)
o 当店の毎日のアイスティーのフレーバーについてお問い合わせください
o ハワイ産野生ハイビスカス(カフェイン少なめ)
o ハワイ産緑茶(中程度のカフェイン)
o ゴールデンカモミール(カフェインフリー)
o ミント(カフェインフリー)
o ターメリックオレンジリリコイエリクサー
Begin with a soothing application of Hawaiian aloe vera, coupled with a ti leaf overlay and a nourishing wrap to enhance all the benefits. The healing properties of aloe and ti rehydrate and nourish all skin types. Ideal for sensitive or sunburnt skin.
Enjoy an invigorating ʻawapuhi ginger and raw cane sugar body polish to illuminate skin and remove impurities. Followed by an application of hydrating body oil.
.Enjoy an invigorating awapuhi ginger and raw cane sugar body polish to illuminate skin and remove impurities. Followed by a relaxing massage.
Indulge in luxury with an exfoliating blend of tropical guava hibiscus sugar to reveal brighter, smoother skin. Followed by a hydrating application of organic guava coconut oil.
Indulge in luxury with an exfoliating blend of tropical guava hibiscus sugars to reveal brighter, smoother skin. Followed by a massage with guava coconut oil.
Enjoy a gentle exfoliation of tropical brown sugar and crushed coconut. Completed with an application of honey macadamia nut Body Creme.
Enjoy a gentle exfoliation of tropical brown sugar and crushed coconut. Completed with a massage with honey macadamia nut Body Creme.
A luxurious full body sugar exfoliation featuring immune boosting kiwi and matcha. Completed with a full body application of hydrating Kiwi Coconut Oil.
A luxurious full body sugar exfoliation featuring immune boosting kiwi and matcha. Completed with a full body massage with hydrating Kiwi Coconut Oil.
120分 - 510ドル
海塩とユーカリの抗酸化角質除去で、栄養とミネラルが豊富なハワイ産スピルリナを塗布する準備が整います。温かい繭が体の浄化、解毒、肌の色調改善の能力を高めます。トリートメントはリラックスできるアロマセラピー マッサージで終了します。
このトリートメントで、若返りと贅沢な気分を味わえます。ココナッツの砕いた角質除去とローズ クレイ マスク、そして温かく包み込むボディ ラップでリラックスタイムを始めましょう。最後に、五感すべてを満たす至福のアロマセラピー マッサージで体験を締めくくります。
A deep cleansing, customized facial designed to leave you feeling refreshed, plump and renewed.
Our signature facial features locally grown ingredients, harvested and processed on an "off the grid, eco-friendly" farm in the lush jungle of East Maui. These ingredients are dense in superfoods that eliminate impurities, restore skin tone, texture and delivers vital nutrients to leave you healthy and radiant. An effective treatment with exfoliation, steam, extractions, mask and massage of the face, neck, hands and feet.
A specialized cleansing treatment for the male complexion, will ease sensitive and irritated skin. A relaxing massage of hands, feet, neck and scalp will ease tension and calm your senses.
Add on 30 minutes of massage to any minimum 1 hour spa treatment to enhance relaxation and to further stress relief.
Boost circulation, increase collagen, drain lymphatic system and improve skin tone with a stimulating dry brushing exfoliation
Boost your immune system with this Arabic coffee Body polish made with Kona coffee and cardamom
Exfoliate, detoxify and improve skin tone with our Hawaiian Red salt body polish
Join us for an all day pass in our private spa courtyard, where you can indulge in our various spa facilities! Our co-ed spa courtyard boasts a whirlpool hot tub, hydrotherapy pool and cold plunge pools in both of our full locker facilities. Enjoy the sun & the view of Kapueokahi Bay from our courtyard lounge chairs! Restore your mind and body in our relaxation lounge with complimentary hot tea and Wi-Fi.
Spa Services available (purchase separately). Food and Drink service available from The Hāna Ranch Restaurant. Spa Pass does not include the resorts fitness center, wellness pool or infinity pool. Ages 16+. Outside food and beverages strictly prohibited. Price is per person. Price does not include 20% Service Charge.
Join us for an all week (7 Day) pass to our private spa courtyard, where you can indulge in our various spa facilities! Our co-ed spa courtyard boasts a whirlpool hot tub, hydrotherapy pool and cold plunge pools in both of our full locker facilities. Enjoy the sun & the view of Kapueokahi Bay from our courtyard lounge chairs! Restore your mind and body in our relaxation lounge with complimentary hot tea and Wi-Fi.
Spa Services available (purchase separately). Food and Drink service available from The Hāna Ranch Restaurant. Spa Pass does not include the resorts fitness center, wellness pool or infinity pool. Ages 16+. Outside food and beverages strictly prohibited. Price is per person. Price does not include 20% Service Charge.
Our traditional facial features locally grown ingredients, harvested and processed on an "off the grid, eco-friendly" farm in the lush jungle of East Maui. These ingredients are dense in super foods that eliminate impurities, restore skin tone, texture and delivers vital nutrients to leave you healthy and radiant.
Package 60 Min. Essential Facial and 60 Min. Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Massage: Must be booked together to take advantage of special pricing.
Steeped in Hawaiian healing tradition, this massage uses techniques of kneading with long gliding strokes to restore balance to your 'uhane (body, mind and spirit).
Package 60 Min. Lomi Lomi Massage and 60 Min. Essential Facial: Must be booked together to take advantage of special pricing.
Our traditional facial features locally grown ingredients, harvested and processed on an "off the grid, eco-friendly" farm in the lush jungle of East Maui. These ingredients are dense in super foods that eliminate impurities, restore skin tone, texture and delivers vital nutrients to leave you healthy and radiant.
Special Pricing for our Hāna ʻOhana: Valid HI State ID required with an acceptable Address.
Steeped in Hawaiian healing tradition, this massage uses techniques of kneading with long gliding strokes to restore balance to your 'uhane (body, mind and spirit).
Special Pricing for our Hāna ʻOhana: Valid HI State ID required with an acceptable Address.