

マウイ島の自然のままの海岸沿いに佇むハナ マウイ リゾートでは、リラクゼーション、アドベンチャー、文化体験を完璧に融合したさまざまなアクティビティを提供しています。静かな隠れ家をお探しの方にも、スリル満点のアウトドア アクティビティをお探しの方にも、当リゾートとその周辺はどなたにも満足いただけるものをご提供します。

A person is surfing on a wave during sunset with mountains and clouds in the background, creating a serene and picturesque scene.
A coastal road stretches forward, flanked by dry, grassy fields on one side and the ocean on the other, under a clear blue sky with scattered clouds.
A person is surfing on a wave during sunset with mountains and clouds in the background, creating a serene and picturesque scene.
A coastal road stretches forward, flanked by dry, grassy fields on one side and the ocean on the other, under a clear blue sky with scattered clouds.
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    Jeep Rentals

    Rent one of our Jeep Wranglers and explore the beauty and adventure Hāna has to offer. Making transportation a breeze, Hāna Maui Resort has also created its very-own rental car service that allows guests to rent Jeep Wranglers during their entire stay or just for a day, putting all of Maui at their fingertips.

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    • Around Town

    Fly To Hāna

    Save time and enjoy the views from above. Fly to Hāna for an unforgettable experience. The road to Hāna is beautiful, but if you are looking to save some time and enjoy coastal waterfall filled views, our commuter flights are perfect! Flying from Kahului, Honolulu, Kapalua, Lanai, Big Island and Molokai, we can assist you in coordinating your personal charter flight 7 days a week during daylight hours.

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    • On-site

    Amenity Bundles + Beverages

    Plan a delighter for your visit, ahead of your arrival, or to surprise a family member or friend staying at Hana Maui Resort. Choose from a variety of options, including food and beverage bundles, floral arrangements, and additional snack and beverage options.

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    Mindful Meditation

    This class welcomes you to experience the essentials of mindfulness. Begin your day with the tools to increase the feelings of connection, wellbeing, focus and connection. 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Available for resort guests only, reservations will be confirmed.

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    Morning Yoga

    Begin your day with a gentle beginners yoga class focusing on slow- paced stretching and breathing techniques. 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Available for resort guests only, reservations will be confirmed.

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    ゲストは、ユニークで挑戦的な 3 つのホールを備えた短いパー 3 コース、ピッチ & パットをお楽しみいただけます。

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    素晴らしい海岸の景色を望む、きらめく 2 つのプール。

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    Poolside Mini Treatments

    Enjoy a 30-minute poolside massage in the comfort of your lounge chair. Choose from Lima (Hand), Po'o (Head) or Wawae (Foot), using a luxurious Maui-Made Eucalyptus Body Balm.

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    • Around Town,
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    72 Hours in Hana - Intinerary Ideas

    Explore the Road to Hana, hike through the Bamboo Forest, splash around at the beach or just unwind at the resort with our various activities. Whether you are seeking adventure and staying active, or looking to relax and unwind among the palms, there’s something for everyone in Hana.


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    Explore the resort grounds while visiting Fit-Trail Stations, including easy workout movements or stretches. There are 20 stations, including movements like balance beam, pull ups, side bends, leg raises and more.

    • Around Town


    ハナへの道は、ただの美しいドライブではありません。マウイ島の豊かな風景を通り抜ける忘れられない旅であり、島の自然の美しさと豊かな文化を垣間見ることができます。カフルイからハナの町まで 64 マイルにわたるこの曲がりくねった道は、一連のヘアピンカーブや狭い橋を通り、流れ落ちる滝、そびえ立つ崖、緑豊かな熱帯雨林を通り過ぎます。


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    Koki Beach

    Koki Beach is one of the two famous Hana surf breaks and a favorite spot for local surfers. You can enjoy sunbathing, relaxing, and watching experienced surfers and bodyboarders. Koki Beach provides a nice grassy park with picnic tables along with plenty of shade from the Ironwood trees. Picnic tables and barbeque grills are located in the park.

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    マウイ島の東海岸沿いにひっそりと佇むハモア ビーチは、三日月形の海岸、真っ白な砂、印象的なターコイズブルーの海で知られる人里離れた楽園です。豊かな緑とそびえ立つ海食崖に囲まれたこのビーチは、混雑した観光地から離れた静かな隠れ家です。


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    ハレアカラ国立公園は、マウイ島のスカイラインに君臨する巨大なハレアカラ火山がある、畏敬の念を起こさせる美しさと精神的な重要性を持つ場所です。この公園は、サミット地区とキパフル地区の 2 つの地域に分かれています。


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    緑豊かなハレアカラ国立公園に囲まれたオヘオ渓谷は、7 つの聖なる池としてよく知られ、流れ落ちる滝と静かな池が連なっています。豊かな緑に囲まれたこの自然の驚異は、さわやかな水泳を楽しんだり、東マウイの美しさを満喫したりするのに理想的な場所です。

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    ピピワイ トレイル

    ピピワイ トレイルは、ハナを訪れる熱心なハイカーなら必ず訪れるべき場所です。往復 4 マイルのこのトレイルは、竹林を抜け、雄大な滝を通り過ぎ、ドラマチックなピピワイ川に沿って曲がりくねっています。このトレイルは、そびえ立つ竹の茎の間を風がささやく不気味な美しさの竹林から、トレイルの終点である高さ 400 フィートの滝、ワイモク滝の荘厳な光景まで、息を呑むような眺めと多様な風景で知られています。

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    ハナ溶岩洞 (カエレク洞窟)


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    ハナ文化センター & 博物館では、ハナとその人々の豊かな歴史と文化を知ることができます。この小さいながらも有益な博物館には、ハワイの伝統、地元の歴史、ハナの住民の日常生活に関する展示があります。

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    Hana Gold Cacao Plantation

    Ideally situated on the Hana Coast of Maui, Hana Gold is one of Hawaii's first cacao plantations. The unique climate and fertile volcanic soil of Hawaii gives Hana Gold Cacao a rich and complex flavor that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

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    Aloha Grown Beauty

    Located in one of the more lush and remote locations of Maui, with its gently sloping land, daily doses of sunshine and misty rains sits our 8 acre family farm in Hāna that naturally produces a pure environment from which we grow our agriculture products and raise our animal farm family. The tour begins at our Farm Shop and distillation gardens, then you’ll work your way around the farm thru macadamia nut trees, citrus groves, cacao orchard, exotic and aromatic flowers while stopping to visit all the farm animals along the way; piglet belly rubs and feeding ti leaf treats to the goats are a highlight. Be sure to bring your camera to capture the exquisite visuals.

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    Hana Farmer's Market

    Join us every Friday from 3:00pm - 4:00pm to shop local and catch up with the community.

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    Kahanu Garden

    Visit the home of Piʻilanihale Heiau on the rugged Hāna coast, where ancient roots feed our future. Kahanu Garden is home to Piʻilanihale Heiau, believed to be the largest ancient structure in Polynesia. Visit this profound Hawaiian place and deepen your relationship with the plants and cultural heritage that sustain us.

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